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St. Joseph School Faith Formation Opportunities


The Eucharistic celebration is the central act of our faith. All-school Masses are held according to a schedule determined by the administrative priest, principal and faculty. Each class takes responsibility on a rotating basis for planning and participation in the special roles of the Mass. Students attend Mass on any holy days which occur on school days. Parents are welcome and encouraged to attend school Masses.


Paraliturgical experiences such as prayer services, the Living Rosary, May Crowning, Litanies and Processions, etc. may be scheduled throughout the school year to provide students with additional opportunities for worship.

Faith Formation

The teaching of Catholic doctrine is essential to the mission of St. Joseph's School. Working with the pastor, and following curriculum guidelines established by the Diocese of Madison, we provide systematic instruction in the central teachings of our faith. We also provide liturgical preparation and celebration experiences, opportunities for the reception of the sacraments, and opportunities for individual and group prayer.

Preparation for Reconciliation and Holy Eucharist

Special preparation for the sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Eucharist is part of the second grade curriculum. In addition to regular classroom instruction, the Pastor meets regularly with the students. A meeting is held to inform parents of their responsibilities and to aid them in the sacramental preparation of their children.

Mass Server Instruction

The honor of serving parish liturgies is offered to any students in Grade 3 or older who complete server training. The Pastor meets regularly with students who wish to become servers. Written parental permission and a commitment on the part of the student are required to take part in this ministry.

Sacrament of Reconciliation

Students have the opportunity to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation during Advent and Lent. Students are also advised of the regular parish schedule for Reconciliation and are encouraged to receive as often as they choose.

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St. Joseph Catholic School | 780 County Road Z | Hazel Green, WI 53811 | | Designed by Tuecke Consulting Group | Copyright ©2021 Notice of Non-discriminatory Policy as to Students: St. Joseph School admits students of any race, color, national, and ethnic origin.

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